Posted tagged ‘taxes’

“Atlas Shrugged”

April 15, 2009

I attended a local teaparty, one of apparently thousands across the United States. The newspaper estimated that 500 people would attend our protest; 5,000 people attended.

The atmosphere was wonderful. People were all around me, all frustrated at the continuous growth of government and the direct and indirect taxation of our people. They were frustrated at the growth of the public debt.

Kevin Brady, our congressman, spoke at our teaparty. He spoke of lowering taxes and of limited government. Ironically, he had voted for TARP. Many of us were yelling at him, “Why’d you vote for TARP?”, or “Why’d you vote for the bailouts?” Justice was served, and our voice was heard.

As this ripples throughout the country, we shall see what effect this will have in the long run. Many networks have given this protest little or no radio time, even though it is the largest single-day protest in the history of the United States.

This was a necessary step in the direction of revolution.

"Atlas Shrugged"

April 15, 2009

I attended a local teaparty, one of apparently thousands across the United States. The newspaper estimated that 500 people would attend our protest; 5,000 people attended.

The atmosphere was wonderful. People all around me, all frustrated at the continuous growth of government and the direct and indirect taxation of our people. They were frustrated at the growth of the public debt. They were frustrated with government waste.

Kevin Brady, our congressman, spoke at our teaparty. He told us  of the greatness of lowering taxes and of limited government. Ironically, he had voted for TARP last year. Many of us were yelling at him, “Why’d you vote for TARP?”, or “Why’d you vote for the bailouts?” Justice was served, and our voice was heard.

As this ripples throughout the country, we shall see what effect this will have in the long run. Many networks have given this protest little or no time, even though it is the largest single-day protest in the history of the United States. CNN and MSNBC in particular have shown bias with their apathy towards these protests. FNC, on the other hand, had featured this nationwide protest.

TOverall, the teaparties were a necessary step in the direction of revolution, or atleast the change we need.

Taxing the Poor: Obama’s Tobacco Tax Increase

April 5, 2009

Because tobacco is addictive and has psychological effects on people, some will go homeless and die before giving up their cigarettes.

Health workers believe that a tax on smoking will generate much needed revenue while discouraging the deadly habit of smoking. However, I know better.

According to FOX News, the price of a pack of cigarettes has increased by 39 cents with this new federal tax. Says one smoker,

“I don’t think it will stop me from buying cigarettes”

My father isn’t going to quit either. Smokers will just suck it up and pay this 39 cent tax. So, this is not going to help smokers quit.

Obama is using this tax to fund new government spending, specifically ”children’s insurance”, a critical step towards nationalizing healthcare. So let’s see who is affected by this new ingenious tax system. According to Joseph Bast, 45 million adults smoke. Who are these smokers? Well, they are the poor! Smokers are less likely to recieve or enjoy a high paying job. Employers do not want employees who smoke. It gives their company a bad name. So, smokers tend to be the poorer workers, though there are many exceptions.

So, while ‘most americans’ will recieve a few bucks a week in tax cuts, many people will lose more than that for tobacco taxes.

Taxing the Poor: Obama's Tobacco Tax Increase

April 5, 2009

Because tobacco is addictive and has psychological effects on people, some will go homeless and die before giving up their cigarettes.

Health workers believe that a tax on smoking will generate much needed revenue while discouraging the deadly habit of smoking. However, I know better.

According to FOX News, the price of a pack of cigarettes has increased by 39 cents with this new federal tax. Says one smoker,

“I don’t think it will stop me from buying cigarettes”

My father isn’t going to quit either. Smokers will just suck it up and pay this 39 cent tax. So, this is not going to help smokers quit.

Obama is using this tax to fund new government spending, specifically ”children’s insurance”, a critical step towards nationalizing healthcare. So let’s see who is affected by this new ingenious tax system. According to Joseph Bast, 45 million adults smoke. Who are these smokers? Well, they are the poor! Smokers are less likely to recieve or enjoy a high paying job. Employers do not want employees who smoke. It gives their company a bad name. So, smokers tend to be the poorer workers, though there are many exceptions.

So, while ‘most americans’ will recieve a few bucks a week in tax cuts, many people will lose more than that for tobacco taxes.

Andrew Jackson

March 15, 2009
Part 1 of a new series identifying those responsible for the corruption of the constitution and capitalism.

Andrew Jackson was the 7th President of the United States, the first Democrat to be president, and an established racist.

His Crimes

Andrew Jackson did many great things to our country, including reducing the federal debt to $33,733.05 (what happened?).

However, he also defeated many of the founding principles. First, he lessened state sovereignty, and destroyed the state’s rights that had existed from the start. Second, he set signed the Indian Removal Act. Third, he increased the power of the president.

Outrageously high taxes and an authoritarian north may have lead to the Civil War. Jackson decided that states could not nullify acts of national congress and that they could not secede at will. The north would then use this to bully the south into high tariffs (making the southern farmers poorer and the northern manufacturers richer) and would create the very sectionalism that started the Civil War.

Jackson also forced the American Indians into reservations. Though many of these Indians were adapting to Western Life, Jackson felt it necessary to move them. The driving forces behind this were settlers who didn’t believe that they could live with the American Indians. Jackson pandered to these settlers, and the Indians were brutalized.

The Supreme Court ruled the Indian Removal Acts unconstitutional and in violation of the treaties already in place, but President Jackson believed that the president did not have to abide by the laws and ignored the Supreme Court’s decision. By doing this, he made the president’s powers stronger.

Next in the series: Harriet Beecher Stowe